Artist Series : Sonam Yeshi

Sonam Yeshi is an artist of mixed Tibetan/American origin based in Dharamsala, India in the Himalayan foothills. She grew up in the Tibetan community, surrounded by skilled artists and craftsmen, including monks who made carefully researched Tibetan dolls, reconstructing traditional ensembles from memory. Their workshop was her playroom, a catalyst for developing her artistic skills. Later, she studied fashion design at Parsons in New York City, and returned to her hometown in 2007. She worked with the artisans that gave her so much, and since then she has been working on her personal projects in the field of art, prints, product and interior design. 

Sonam’s art prints focus on feminine power on the roof of the world, bringing to light costume and jewelry. She also reinterprets Tibetan fables and folk tales, expressing them in her own colorful and bold visual style.